Re: The Member's Guide to Topiclessness
Posted by: tachi
Date: 2014-10-21 23:25:12
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….you're pregnant?
Could be worse…
A little part of me questions what I just walked into.
>2013 was eight minutes ago.
Time flies…
has anybody went to a supermarket and told the baggage man:
"YES monkey slave, BAG those items, bag them and make sure the medicine and chemicals doesn't cross the edible food! Jump, jump for me monkey slave! Jump as your manager demands it!"
Oh yeah? well you're just a piece of toast with a face!
has anybody went to a supermarket and told the baggage man:
"YES monkey slave, BAG those items, bag them and make sure the medicine and chemicals doesn't cross the edible food! Jump, jump for me monkey slave! Jump as your manager demands it!"